Empowering young researchers to achieve more

European Institute for Scientific and Technological Research - IERST


Send your text by mail to: editeur@ierst.education

Our senior members can guide you in evaluating your text. They offer peer review and assist you in the attribution of an ISBN number for legal deposit and registration.


Apply by mail to: editeur@ierst.education

Offer your services to assist young researchers in their efforts to communicate their work. It's a rewarding and supportive experience

Publish your book with IERST
Publish your book with IERST
Become a volunteer reviewer - submit your appplication
Become a volunteer reviewer - submit your appplication


Send your text by mail to: editeur@ierst.education

A preliminary evaluation examines the article to verify that it falls within the scope of interest of one of the journals. The text will be peer-reviewed before an editorial decision is made.

Sctintific e-journal of the IERST - European sociery for scientific and technological research
Sctintific e-journal of the IERST - European sociery for scientific and technological research

Showcasing Collaborative Efforts with Esteemed Partners

SEGES - European Health Management Society, founded in 1994, became IERST - European Institute of Scientific and Technological Research in 2019, following an expansion of its mission and the strengthening of its team.

IERST supports and guides researchers in publishing their work in the fields of economics and health, ensuring their promotion to help them move forward.

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